Even the holiest date on the Christian calendar is just another day for The BBC to betray all that is good about our society. Biased BBC's soothsayer Cassandra King has turned her back on the mince pies and the prezzies to reveal how al Beeb desecrated the Christmas truce and crossed no-man's land to join with our terrorist foes.
The BBC are peddling the line that the terrorist attack on the US Delta jet was in fact a "Christmas day failed bomb plot"!!!
Jesus H Christ! Did the plane actually go down? Surely they wouldn't try to hide something like that?
The BBC have a way with words dont they?
They'll never get away with it.
The truth is that the actual terrorist attack was succesful...
You'll be telling me that Neil Armstrong's moon-walk was all got up by Hollywood next.
... succesful in all but igniting the explosives
which failed by a miracle and a passenger who battled the terrorist.
Don't want to poop on your party, Cassie, but the key word there might just be failed. As in failed bomb plot.
The success of the terrorist mission can be measured in more ways than just whether they brought down the airliner
the attempt to smuggle a bomb on a jet was successful, the fear and alarm it spread was successful, the costs and delays this attack has brought about was successful, the free advertising and media attention for the terrorists was a successful outcome for the terrorists.
Y-e-e-e-s. But as bomb plots go, it, erm, failed.
This was not a failed plot it was a 95% successful terrorist attack that succeeded in most of its aims.
Brilliant. John McCain's bid for the presidency was, ooh, at least 90% successful. And Joe Wotsit's dreary X-Factor hit was a 95% successful Xmas No 1. Have you ever considered PR as a career?
The BBC supporting terrorists and evil for years, with your money of course!
Might be me, but if I was a terrorist I'd be looking for something a bit more supportive than the words failed bomb plot. Matter of taste, I know.